United in variety - združeni v različnosti


3. May 2021


The international event of the European Town Twinning Project: United in Variety has come to an end. There were eight partners that participate with our society- the leading partner, for three days and were located in Pišece and Brežice.
The enclose photos are from our first event on Thursday in Pišece (a presentation night of the participants as well as the representatives of their local authorities), and the second event that was on Friday in secondary school in Brežice. There are photos of the exhibition on the topic »My home is also a part of Europe«, photos of a talk with a Member of the European Parliament Mister Franc Bogovič, together with a writer of a novel called Maks Pleteršnik, Mister Rudi Mlinar.
Our participants were also creating a ¨Live dictionary¨ related with the international Unesco Project of primary school Pišece »Blue chair-someone is thinking about you«, and for that all the participants recieved a certificate.
The chosen photos are the reminder of our main mission as United in Variety: to respect our cultural diversity, European cultural heritage, the meaning of next Elections to the European Parliament and the common vision of living life in peace and coexistence of nations in Europe.


EU Town Twinning project »United in Variety« with participating partners:
SPES GMBH, Schlierbach - Austria,LAG PRIZAG Novi Marof – Croatia, Triglav Banja Luka – BiH, Kula Vrsac – Serbia, Opstina Ruma – Serbia, Zdravica Nis – Serbia, DRPD – Novo mesto, Slovenia Project manager/ Martin Dusic, President of the Leader partner: Society for the Protection of Mother Language, Natural and Cultural Heritage Maks Pletersnik Pisece, Pisece 4, 8255 Pisece, Slovenia, drustvo@pletersnikova-domacija.si, +3864173914

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Društvo Pleteršnikova domačija Pišece


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