Section for preservation of the Slovene language around the world


Section for preservation of the Slovene language around the world manages the annual project „Moja hiša je tvoj dom – My house is your home”, which is a project that unites us with people of Slovene origin who live abroad but stay faithful to the language of their ancestors. The descendants of Slovenians around the world who learn the Slovene language in class taught by Slovenian teachers have by visiting the Maks Pleteršnik’s house the opportunity to feel our culture and experience genuine communication in their mother tongue or in the language of their ancestors. They will also get the opportunity to visit and attend classes at the primary school in Pišece and at some secondary schools in Brežice. They will stay here several days and we will organize workshops and excursions to the Posavje region and throughout Slovenia.

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Društvo Pleteršnikova domačija Pišece


Cert ID: 0034/00034

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Društvo Pleteršnikova domačija Pišece
Business Registration Number: 1187031000